Release: Nov 25, 2020

Bulk Re-assigning (and Un-assigning) of Active Jobs
You can easily re-assign jobs in bulk from one user to another with just a few clicks.

There are many reasons for needing to re-assign jobs from one user to another - one team member may have left the business, been assigned to other projects or simply be on leave.

You can now Re-assign and Un-assign jobs in bulk really easily with the following steps:

  1. Go to “View Jobs” to see all Active Jobs. 
  2. Filter the list of Active Jobs using the “Assigned To” filter and any other filters such as Date
  3. With the list filtered, check the boxes for all relevant jobs to be adjusted (or check the box in the header to select all items as shown below)


  1. Then go to the “Select Action” dropdown list in the button right-hand corner of the list (as shown below)
  2. Select “Assign To” from the Action choices.
  3. Then select the User you want the jobs to be re-assigned to (or, select Unassigned status so that you can individually re-assign later)
  4. Hit the “Go” button to activate the change.


Most of the data tables in Formitize have this powerful Action option in the bottom right-hand corner which is often overlooked, so take a moment to explore what else can be done with Actions in the different data tables to help you save time.


Formitize - Innovating Smarter Business